Gettin’ Bloggy Wit’ It – Nah nah nah nah, nah, nah nah nah!


Winning awards is mega-awesome-rock-socks-and-kick-rocks. Okay, I don’t really know what that means because I’m not hip enough but just roll with it, alright? I love ’em. Well, getting them, because that means that I am loved, (and who doesn’t like that feeling, weird-o?) but the truth is…I can’t get to all of them. I keep trying and trying but they are so freakin’ involved and they take all bloody day. Jp has this new habit of crawling in my lap and grabbing my face for attention when I’m at the computer on top of this new fangled ‘no nap’ phase so my posts have to be short, sweet, and absolutely to the point or my little corner of sanity called my blog will be no more. Luckily, since basketball is my fourth favorite sport, I can knock some of this out before the second half (when it gets good) and maybe have it posted by tomorrow (or when you read I don’t know, time warps confuse me). So, if you bestowed an award on me and I missed it, I am so sorry. I’m a crappy blogging friend and I promise (sort of) not to do it again.

Numero Uno:


Are they just trying to make these things harder?

Thank you to my split personality homegirl, Mia/Michelle from Marriage, Motherhood, and Madness. Her blog is HILARIOUS and solely the interactions between her and her two boys always have me rolling. It makes me want to have another…but only if I’m promised a boy. She’s honest as anything and I never miss a post by her! Check her out!

Here goes this madness…

A- Attitude. Almost a guarantee if you get on my bad side.

B- Bickering. I have a lot of opinions but rarely argue. I’ll bicker and then roll my eyes when I’m done (not when you’re done…when I am).

C- Cynical. I’ve been to the puppet show and I’ve seen the strings.

D- Dependable. Boring but true. I’m a reliable girl.

E- Every. Day. I’m. Hustlin’.- Yeah buddy!

F- Female by birth, tomboy by choice. Except for those pesky hormonal tears.

G- Genuine. What you see id what you get. Whether you like it or not.

H- Horror. Yes, please. It’s a huge thing in my house. Like maybe the theme to our wedding…huge. 🙂

I- Intuitive. I didn’t learn to read between the lines by studying Psychology…I went into Psychology because I have always been able to read between the lines.

J- Jokester. But those that follow me know that already.

K- Kindred Spirit. I’ve been there and done that. I am always that person that has an ear to lend. I wasn’t always that way…but I truly am now.

L- Loquacious. That’s a fancy word for a chick that talks so much that she has to start a blog. Thaaaaaaat’s me.

M- Mexican. Not that I am but that’s what I dig. In men. In bed. (brown chicken, brown cow)

N- Nickleback. Is the worst band of all time, in my opinion.

O- Optimistic. The glass is half full. Even if it isn’t. Which also probably makes me insane. That’s cool, I’ll take it.

P- Perverse. I still have the same sense of humor that I did in junior high. You said balls…

Q- Queen. Of my castle. I earned it since I clean this thing.

R- Really, really awesome. Yeah, I said it. No one can love you unless you love yourself, right?

S- Sarcastic. All day, every day. (Except right now, I’m being totally serious)

T- Thankful. For everything. I think the only truly sad people in this world are the ones that don’t know how to be.

U- Unbelievably good hair. People pay money, real money, for extensions?! Peeshaw!

V- Vivacious. Duh.

W- Wondering. Wondering why I started doing these things when they take sooooooooo long!

X- X-tremely glad to be on X already!

Y- Y? Because I love you!

Z- Zebra. It’s my spirit animal! For those of you that aren’t familiar with this fact…I’m half Native American so I have to have one by tribal law. Totally kidding, by the way, Zebras are just cool. 😉

My nominees :

Ramblings of a Crazed Mom– She absolutely cracks me up. Reading her pieces are like sitting down for coffee with a friend. Who’s super feisty and sassy. So double bonus.

Free Little Words– Because I am always stealing her sayings in my comment sections. Like, all the time. She’s so freaking witty! I’m uber jealous.

Adventures in Babyknitting– Love this blog! She has two kids under three and a job…so I’m not sure if I am jealous or feel sorry for her or both. 🙂 She’s funny and real and her daughter just might be Jp’s soulmate in crazy pants -or more acurately- a lack of pants at all. Plus her titles are always super clever and there is no faster way to my heart.

Numero Dos:


I think I saw the post where this one was made up, right?

1. Add the award badge to your blog page. (Sorry, no can do, I have an aesthetic going. *Uncontrollably laughs*)


2. Thank the person who nominated you.


3. Answer your nominator’s question.


4. Nominate two bloggers for the award to keep it going.


5. Ask the new winners your incredible question.


6. When you’re awarded this, think of your two favorite bloggers at that very moment. Here are your winners!


7. You can’t award the Mustache Award to the person who nominated you. Make someone else’s day.

Thank you, Alicia, you are the bestest. By the way, at the behest of Michelle, I checked out your About Page and have to say…sweet moves, girl. And you’re really pretty. Like, waaaaay too pretty to not have a social life. Plus, your hair might be better than mine so I don’t know if we can be friends, after all…. 😉

Alicia’s question was…. *Drum roll, please*

If you could have a whole weekend with no kids to worry about and chase around, what would you do? What would your fantasy weekend consist of? (No guilt about not having the rugrats, either, by the way.)

One, it’s uncalled for that you would think I would have guilt. *Crickets* Alright, ya got me, I have literally never spent a night away from Jp. Stop booing! Put the pitchforks down!

I just never have…but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t! Booyah!

My fantasy weekend would have a beach. A real one. Not this Texas beach BS with the gross water and nasty sand but a proper beach like the Keys. Aaaaahhhhh *dreamy sigh* the Keys. With Reggae, and views, and boats that you can scuba off of…yes.

Too bad my husband is afraid of the ocean, right?

Since my fantasy weekend would involve him then I would go with any Hotel that was 5 stars, had room service, and was within walking distance of some serious shopping. That would be perfect for me right now. Can we leave tomorrow?

My nominees are:

Don of All Trades– Please, I don’t have to say anything. Everyone knows Don and everyone that follows me knows that I love him even though he’s not Mexican.

I have an opinion I’d like to share– Cookie is a foul-mouthed Canadian musician that is the and I love her. In my mind, for whatever reason, she kind of is Don’s sister or other half. That says a lot right there.

My Big Question….

If you could have just one wish -and it can’t be for more wishes, smarty pants, then what would it be?

So deep, so deep. That’s me. I’m the Mecca of serious, complex thought. Hmmmm….not right now. These things seem to never, ever, ever end!!!!!!

Numero Tres (last one! I’m burnt for awhile again!):

This one I am doing solely because she wrote my favorite description of my blog- EVER- and I just wanted to post it. Because I’m selfish selfless like that.

Normal Is the New Boring. Hilarious. And genuine. And also hilarious. She says everything you’re thinking and afraid to say.”

Ummm…how awesome is that?! I feel crazy important right now just rereading it.


Yeah, this one. I think it says Best Moment..but it’s too small. 😉

Thank you, Kaela Moore @ A Girl Who Blogs, for the nomination. She’s a brand new one to the fold but a doll!

Rules (blah, blah, blah):

No time, losing focus…I think it’s a 5 facts, 5 blogs. Or, at least, that’s the best you’re getting out of me at this point.

1) I drink a crap ton of V8. For real, it’s an addiction.

2) I want at least 6 more tattoos that I already have planned out and I have 5 now.

3) I listen to more George Micheal, Journey, and Bob Marley than anything else. Period.

4) I love pictures but I hate taking them. I hate the way I look in 99% of them but I wouldn’t say that I’m insecure. Just not photogenic.

5) I work 4 hours a week at my old job during the busiest time -not for the money- but so I can feel like a Bad A$$ that is amazing at what I do, no one can ever question me, and everyone has to do everything that I say. That never happens at home. Plus, I get to dress up and that is a nice change of pace from my jammies and jeans.

Boom! Get some.


Alicia Benton– ‘Cause she’s awesome.

Momasaurus- Ditto.

My Thoughts on a Page– At least I know the name of your blog, Tric! 😉

Marriage, Motherhood, and Madness– Cause if you don’t read her blog, you’re lame.

Faking Picture Perfect– Because she hates these but it just wouldn’t be right not to include her!

And there it is! Done and done and done, again! Didn’t anyone ever tell the blogesphere that awards were supposed to less work and more awesome!? Just kidding! Love all of you and until the next epic post…



Amber Perea View All →

I’m just living minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day.

22 Comments Leave a comment

  1. I love the way you banged all that out in one post….very smart, very smart indeed…..thanks for nominating me for Best Moment Award…..time to get back to work!!!

    • It’s pretty hard! You do have the best moments, though. Your blog is hilarious. Some people I bloggers I love because they seem like really cool people but I actually enjoy reading your writing on top of the fact that you’re really cool! 😉

    • I know! I do! I know that it’s rude as all get-out to not accept them -especially from your closest blogging besties- but they take so long! I hate being exclusionary!

      So I try to do a pack at once so that I’m not leaving people out. I planned to do more (to include more people) but I just couldn’t.

      I don’t want to be ungrateful…because I am super grateful for all of my readers and followers but lordy… 😉

  2. Awe you like me. And I like you too which is rare because it is well known that I don’t like people at all. Thanks for the nom. You keep getting them bc your blog is the bomb

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