Tag: development

Super Nanny never said there’d be nights like this, there’d be nights like this, super nanny said…

I love to watch Super Nanny, the British version and the American one. I love that she takes these seemingly irreparably obnoxious and terrorizing children and magically transforms them into respectful and well mannered kiddos. Well, perhaps it is not so much magic as it is discipline and consistency. The show always shows that, even…

Read more Super Nanny never said there’d be nights like this, there’d be nights like this, super nanny said…

Autism Purgatory

My man at the park, watching the other kids play. What I hate in this world, in uncertainty. I can’t process or accept what is “not yet”. How can you? The finality and inability to change a situation is what makes acceptance not only possible but mandatory. How can I accept what, to me, is…

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