Category: Childhood Development

Full Metal Breakdown…

So….today was the evaluation for speech. It went…um…interestingly, to say the least. I am not going to bore you with the ins and outs because boring is not my style. But a few things did stand out from this particular experience. One, lets talk about the actual test. It was ridiculous. It literally was the…

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Progress: when it rains it pours…

Okay, is it a full moon tonight or something? Jp has said no less than 10 fully-coherent-never-before-uttered-full-on sentences tonight. Seriously, it’s like listening to a totally different child right now. He is following (simple one-step) directions, using sentences outside of his phrases, and expressing himself in a way that I have never heard before. He…

Read more Progress: when it rains it pours…